September 30, 2014 Latest GFI Blogs Opportunity Knocks to Address Illicit Financial Flows The “Big Mo” in the Drive to Address Illicit Financial Flows Photographs from GFI and MIND’s Joint Conference in Rio de Janeiro China’s Illicit Outflows Were US$1.08 Trillion from 2002-2011 Voices from Delaware Are Speaking Out Against …
Today’s Top Stories from GFI – Investors Should Hold BNP Paribas Accountable-Someone Has To
Monday, July 28, 2014 From the Global Financial Integrity Blog: Debate in Delaware on Anonymous Companies Why Wildlife Trafficking and Anonymous Companies are Mutually Inclusive Why Tanzania Needs to be Careful with Gas Revenues New Thomson Reuters Foundation Media Program to Investigate Illicit …
Incubating a non-dollar architecture
from our Advisory Board member ,Frank Bracho, Venezuela’s former ambassador to India Incubating a non-dollar architecture The launch of the BRICS bank can now give the member countries confidence to experiment with other geoeconomic ambitions. Incubating a non-dollar financial architecture can be the next goal. There are existing models to …
Strong US Majority Prefers Iran Deal says “Citizen Cabinet” Survey
Strong US Majority Prefers Iran Deal says “Citizen Cabinet” Survey by Jim Lobe – Via LobeLog, IPS Blogosphere* Sixty-one percent of the American public prefers a deal permitting Iran to continue limited uranium enrichment and imposing intrusive inspections on its nuclear facilities in exchange for some sanctions relief, …
TFF: Transnational Foundation for Peace & Future Research
PressInfo Contact TFF Transnational Foundation for Peace & Future Research Vegagatan 25, S – 22457 Lund, Sweden (+46) 738 52 52 00 Home • Blog • Facebook • Google+ • Twitter • YouTube old • YouTube•Vimeo … the TFF PressInfos you may have missed Dear new and old subscriber …
The West must change its Iran policies and attitudes now
The West must change its Iran policies and attitudes now Summary1. That Iran, the West and other countries are in touch after decades of frozen relations indeed offers a ray of hope. The Geneva deal between the 5P+1 and Iran of November 24, 2013 can be seen as a first, …
Other News: How Much Are the NSA and CIA Front Running Markets?
How Much Are the NSA and CIA Front Running Markets? naked capitalism* A 2008 paper by Arindrajit Dube, Ethan Kaplan, and Suresh Naidu (hat tip MS) found evidence that the CIA and/or members of the Executive branch either disclosed or acted on information about top-secret authorizations of coups. Stocks …
Earth Policy Release – Eroding Soils Darkening Our Future
Chapter 5. Eroding Soils Darkening Our Future Lester R. Brown Over the next several weeks, we will be releasing Full Planet, Empty Plates: The New Geopolitics of Food Scarcity by Lester R. Brown in installments. Look for a new chapter about every other week. Supporting data, videos, and …