Don’t Be Evil: What’s the Matter with Google? Has Google lost its way? Why is the organization now funding regressive organizations fronting for the fossilized sectors and legacy incumbent interests holding back the green economy? What happened to the founders’ mission of catalyzing a whole-system transition from the fossil-fueled Solar …
New GDP Accounting Makes a Difference Locally
The narrow ”economism” shown by critics of the Picasso Exhibit running its last week in St. Augustine, Florida, is a hangover from obsolete economic textbooks still unable to record “intangibles,” those valuable services which today make up some 70% of advanced economies and services sector companies’ balance sheets. These old …
Breaking News: US Revises GDP to Include Intangible Production and Services
July 31, 2013 ~ As of August 1st, 2013, the US Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) finally enters the 21st century. GDP will now include much of the intangible production and services which make up some 70% of mature 21st century economies: software, R&D, entertainment, trademarks, copyrights, design and other …
CSRwire: Challenging Traditional Finance: Mapping The Transition To Sustainability
Challenging Traditional Finance: Mapping The Transition To Sustainability A whole-system global transition is underway and accelerating as human activities encounter planetary boundaries. Globalization of our technologies of transportation and communication are unleashing disruptive business models while changing demographics and new political forces are now clashing with incumbent industries and elites. …
Measuring the Sustainability of Business: From Economism To Earth Systems Science
By Hazel Henderson When US astronaut Dr. Sally Ride returned from her space trip in 1983, she exclaimed that NASA should have a Mission To Planet Earth! This led to NASA’s “Earth”, an ongoing program of research into how our planet functions based on Earth Systems Science. I was a science …
New Report Shows Private Investments In Green Sectors Top $2 Trillion
GREEN transition SCOREBOARD® now totaling more than $2 trillion in private sector investments since 2007 in green companies and technologies globally. Press Release ethical markets media (USA and Brazil) PO Box 5190, St. Augustine, FL 32085 phone 904.829.3140 St. Augustine, FL, February 17, 2011 — ethical markets media (USA and …