Link to webpage version of this newsletter Greetings! How do we approach urban planning and resource management in ways that preserve health and the environment while meeting our basic needs? The Ecocity represents an urban ideal that simultaneously envisions and plans for co-benefits and synergies between its various …
Towards Environmental Sustainability in the Post-2015 Development Agenda: Three Transformative Levers
Towards Environmental Sustainability in the Post-2015 Development Agenda: Three Transformative Levers Written by Alvin Leong (LLM, JD), Fellow at the Pace Center for Environmental Legal Studies. He can be contacted at First posted by, a site facilitated by the Overseas Development Institute. The co-chairs of the Open Working Group …
The Canadian Index of Wellbeing
The aim of this paper is to describe an approach to the construction of a single composite index worthy of the name “Canadian Index of Wellbeing” (CIW) based on a selection of headline indicators. Imagine, if you can, a single tree capable of capturing some of the magnificence of a …
Pre-launch – Decoupling Report of the International Resource Panel
CSD-19 Side event: Pre-launch – Decoupling Report of the International Resource Panel What is all this talk about decoupling? How can it be put into practice? And what opportunities does it offer to developing countries? Join us on 11 May for a special preview to hear answers from the authors …