Why do almost all companies finance themselves mostly with equity, but Wall Street’s too-big-to-fail banks finance themselves almost 100 percent with borrowed money (debt), making them very unstable and at high risk of failure even if they only have tiny losses? Because those handful of gigantic banks (only 9 banks in the …
The Clean Energy Scam Continues
The Clean Energy Scam Continues By Jeff Siegel | Wednesday, May 28th, 2014 Sometimes sales people are too good for their industry. Electric utility company Southern Co. (NYSE: SO), for example, managed to convince the state of Mississippi that it was going to revolutionize coal-fired power generation. The company promised …
Ethical Markets Supports OCCUPY !
We were all concerned at the repeated lies and evidence-free reporting by Rupert Murdoch’s New York Post on December 31st asserting a (non-existent) connection between Occupy Wall Street and an individual arrested for possessing weapons and bomb making materials. This is far from the first time the New York …
Huhne: Green policy promises GDP boost
Huhne: Green policy promises GDP boost Energy and Climate Secretary sets out economic case for accelerated action to curb emissions and get off the ‘oil hook’ READ» Conservative prime minister David Cameron David Cameron must speak out on climate change, says top scientist Sir David King, a former chief scientific …