Testimony Before the U.S. Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations of the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs by Bradley Katsuyama, President and CEO, IEX Group, Inc. EXCERPT Committee Ask: Address conflicts of interest affecting brokers charged with seeking best execution of customer orders, including conflicts posed by …
Conflicts of Interest, Investor Loss of Confidence, and High Speed Trading in U.S. Stock Markets
Watch Brad Katsuyama, featured in Michael Lewis’ bestseller Flash Boys, discuss issues affecting the US equity markets, particularly conflicts of interest in pricing structure, market design and technology architecture, such as high-frequency trading. Presented before the Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations June 17, 2014 09:30AM, Room 216, Hart Senate Office …
Book Review: ‘Flash Boys’ By Michael Lewis
Summary How high frequency trading works against investors. Highlighting the sleuthing efforts of Brad Katsuyama to bypass the digitization of wall street. Using a financial transaction tax (FTT) to curtail hft. Flash Boys by Michael Lewis, WW Norton, New York, 2014 READ MORE HERE
Fighting Wall Street in the rulemaking process to protect Main Street.
Financial Reform Newsletter April 3, 2014 Fighting Wall Street in the rulemaking process to protect Main Street. A funny thing happened on the way to preventing another financial crash and more wall street bailouts. It’s called the rulemaking process, which is required to implement much of the financial reform law …
Review Of ‘The Energy Of Nations’ By Jeremy Leggett
The Energy of Nations: Risk Blindness and the Road to Renaissance Banks and financial sector firms are still held in low repute by public opinion in many countries. Taxpayers and retail investors along with average citizens still distrust stock markets, high frequency trading and resent their banks, brokers and insurance …
HFT: In Search of the Truth
Most studies on the impact of high-frequency trading on market quality include at least one fatal flaw. But the truth is out there. Statistics is a funny field – you can generally construct well-reasoned, well-supported arguments on both sides of an issue. I have found a paucity of independent, objective …
HFT: In Search of the Truth
HFT: In Search of the Truth Most studies on the impact of high-frequency trading on market quality include at least one fatal flaw. But the truth is out there. Statistics is a funny field – you can generally construct well-reasoned, well-supported arguments on both sides of an issue. I have …
CROWDFUNDING INVESTING FOR DUMMIES by Sherwood Neiss, Jason W. Best and Zak Cassady-Dorion, John Wiley & Sons, 2013
CROWDFUNDING INVESTING FOR DUMMIES by Sherwood Neiss, Jason W. Best and Zak Cassady-Dorion, John Wiley & Sons, 2013 All you need to know about crowdfunding investing by three of its leading pioneers! Sherwood Neiss, Jason W. Best and Zak Cassady-Dorion, all MBAs from the International Thunderbird Global School of Management, …
David Lauer, Consultant on Technology Architecture and Equity Markets
Ethical Markets welcomes Dave Lauer to our Advisory Board Dave Lauer is a Market Structure and Technology Architecture Consultant. He is an expert on the new electronic marketplace, with extensive experience helping to design and build the infrastructure that underpins many modern electronic trading systems as well as …
The End of Money
News from our Advisory Board member ,Stuart Valentine – Hazel Henderson, Editor-in-chief Wednesday, Apr. 10, 2013 The End of Money by Justice Litle, Editor, Strategic Wealth Report The world’s monetary system stands on a precipice… It may not feel like it. But we are fast approaching what I call …
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