Do you care about a clean, healthy future for people and the planet? Our Pledge We believe our future can, and should, be powered by nature. The energy systems in place across the planet within the next four years will define the world’s climate change path for generations. All countries have a …
ON FIRST INTERNATIONAL DAY OF HAPPINESS, BAN CALLS FOR INCLUSIVE HUMAN DEVELOPMENT New York, Mar 20 2013 10:00AM Marking the first ever International Day of Happiness, Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon today called on the international community to commit to an inclusive and sustainable human development that will improve the well-being of …
The Blue Economy –Special News July 2011
The Blue Economy –Special News July 2011 Dear Reader, Just a few days ago, and together with some of you, we have been in one of the most fascinating and breath-taking countries of the world, the Kingdom of Bhutan, for a momentous meeting to launch the Gross National Happiness Fund. …
United Nations Mother Earth Day
April 2011 JOIN CPS TO CELEBRATE MOTHERS & MOTHER EARTH Mother’s Day is around the corner, and we want to invite you to honor your own mother and Mother Earth by joining with us to build a more caring, sustainable world. We have exiting news: UNITED NATIONS MOTHER EARTH DAY …
Earth Negotiations Bulletin: CBD COP 10 HIGHLIGHTS
The morning plenary heard opening remarks and addressed organizational issues. In the afternoon, Working Group I (WG I) considered inland waters, mountain, and marine and coastal biodiversity. WG II addressed: progress toward the 2010 biodiversity target and the Global Biodiversity Outlook (GBO); and the revised strategic plan, biodiversity target and …