18th Update of Emerging Markets ESG Database of Contacts in SRI

Jay OwenSRI/ESG News

Friday, July 25, 2014 Emerging Markets ESG publishes the 18th edition of its Updated Database of Contacts in the Field of Socially Responsible Investment (SRI). The Partners for Financial Stability (PFS) Program published an inaugural Database of Contacts in the Field of SRI on the capital markets research page of the …

18th Update of Emerging Markets ESG Database of Contacts in SRI

Jay OwenSRI/ESG News

Friday, July 25, 2014 Emerging Markets ESG publishes the 18th edition of its Updated Database of Contacts in the Field of Socially Responsible Investment (SRI). The Partners for Financial Stability (PFS) Program published an inaugural Database of Contacts in the Field of SRI on the capital markets research page of the …

New Industry Paper Examines Reports on Geothermal Power Costs and Benefits

Jay OwenGreen Prosperity

 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE   CONTACT: Shawna McGregor, shawna@rosengrouppr.com, 917-971-7852   New Industry Paper Examines Reports on Geothermal Power Costs and Benefits   Washington, D.C. (June 16, 2014) — Geothermal energy is an affordable power source, according to an analysis of several government and private sector reports published in 2014. The …

Geothermal Potential in California Still Largely Untapped, Industry Group Tells CARB

Jay OwenGreentech

geothermal industry group has issued a status report on the state’s energy option to meet California’s climate goals,” gea reports.   In brief, the status report shows that: ·        geothermal power generated 4.4% of total system power in California in 2012, but could have generated substantially more; ·        geothermal power produces some of …

GEA Seeks Entries for the Best in Geothermal

Jay OwenGreentech

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact:  Shawna Seldon Shawna@rosengrouppr.com 917.971.7852     GEA Seeks Entries for the Best in Geothermal -Deadline Extended Until September 6–   Washington, D.C. (August 6, 2013) – The Geothermal Energy Association (GEA) has extended the deadline to submit a nomination for GEA Honors 2013 to Friday, Sept. 6.   “After two successful years …

Today, Friday, July 5, 2013 Emerging Markets ESG publishes the 16th edition of its Updated Database of Contacts in the Field of Socially Responsible Investment (SRI)

Jay OwenSRI/ESG News, Global Citizen

Today, Friday, July 5, 2013 Emerging Markets ESG publishes the 16th edition of its Updated Database of Contacts in the Field of Socially Responsible Investment (SRI).    To download the database, please visit the research page of the Emerging Markets ESG internet portal.  The URL is http://www.emergingmarketsesg.net/esg/2013/07/05/emerging-markets-esg-16th-edition-of-updated-database-of-contacts-in-the-field-of-socially-responsible-investment-sri-published-today-friday-july-5-2013/   The Partners for …

15th Edition of Emerging Markets ESG Database of Contacts in SRI

Jay OwenSRI/ESG News

On Friday, December 28, 2012 Emerging Markets ESG published the 15th edition of its Updated Database of Contacts in the Field of Socially Responsible Investment (SRI).   To download the database, please visit the research page of the Emerging Markets ESG internet portal.  Click Here to Visit  The Partners for Financial …

Twenty-fourth meeting of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer – Summary & Analysis

Ethical MarketsEarth Systems Science

The twenty-fourth Meeting of the Parties (MOP 24) to the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer took place in Geneva, Switzerland, from 12-16 November 2012. The meeting was attended by over 550 participants representing governments, UN agencies, intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations, academia, industry and the agricultural sector. …

General Assembly President Calls on States to Implement Rio + 20 Outcome Document

Ethical MarketsGreen Prosperity

New York, Jul 27 2012  3:05PM The President of the General Assembly, Nassir Abdulaziz Al-Nasser, today called on countries to focus on implementing the outcome document from the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20), was held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, last month. “We have defined the future we …


kristyGreen Prosperity

RIO+20: COUNTRIES ANNOUNCE AGREEMENT ON CONFERENCE?S OUTCOME DOCUMENT New York, Jun 19 2012 7:05PM Members States today announced that they have reached an agreement on the outcome document of the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20). ?We now have a text which will be adopted at the Conference,? Rio+20?s …