Invitation to Corporation 20/20 Spring Seminars

kristySRI/ESG News

On Behalf of Tellus Institute CORPORATION 20/20 Spring 2011 Seminars Please join us for the following seminars hosted by Corporation 20/20 in conjunction with the Great Transition Initiative. Venue: Tellus Institute, 11 Arlington St., Boston Metro: Arlington Station Time: 12:00-1:30 Lunch served RSVP: Kate Robinson,, 617 266 5400 Wednesday, …

Global Reporting Initiative Press Release

kristyGlobal Citizen

Global Reporting Initiative Press Release For Immediate Release 23 March 2011 Sustainability reporting: most complete guidance ever The most comprehensive and complete sustainability reporting guidance is now available, as the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) launches its G3.1 Sustainability Reporting Guidelines today (23 March 2011). GRI is a network-based non-governmental organization …

Sustainability reporting: most complete guidance ever

Ethical MarketsGlobal Citizen

Global Reporting Initiative Press Release For Immediate Release 23 March 2011 The most comprehensive and complete sustainability reporting guidance is now available, as the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) launches its G3.1 Sustainability Reporting Guidelines today (23 March 2011).

Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Dr. Nelmara Arbex to Speak @ Integrated Reporting Conf., London, 3.25

kristyGlobal Citizen

Conference to drive discussion on non-financial reporting on an international basis ( March 3, 2011 – New York, NY – Justmeans is proud to announce the participation of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) at the Integrated Reporting and Measuring Sustainability Conference on March 25 in London, that will bring together …

Private sector impact on environment is key for green economy

kristyGreen Prosperity, SRI/ESG News

Global Reporting Initiative Press Release Under STRICT embargo until: 13.30 EAT / 11.30 CET Tuesday 22 February 2011 Private sector impact on environment is key for green economy The transformation to a green economy will require fundamental changes in how business is conducted in both the private and public sectors, …

Justmeans Conferences: Help Us Change the Future of Sustainability

kristySustainability News

From JustMeans Conferences Dear Justmeans Community Member, MARCH 25: Integrated Reporting and Measuring Sustainability, LONDON Explore the future of non-financial reporting and get the GRI perspective. Using non-financial reporting to support real-time, strategic business decisions: How much time and resources should be budgeted for gathering sustainability data? Adopting Global Reporting …

Global Reporting Initiative Expands U.S. Presence

kristySRI/ESG News

In 2008, 80% of the world’s largest 250 companies issued sustainability reports – compared to only 50% in 2005. Accurate reporting of company sustainability data is becoming an ever-more essential aspect of financial reporting and investor information. Today, the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), which provides the world’s most-used framework for …

Global Reporting Initiative and Carbon Disclosure Project release linkage document

kristySRI/ESG News

Amsterdam, 7 July 2010 The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) and The Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) announce the release of a linkage document between GRI’s Reporting Guidelines and CDP’s 2010 Questionnaire. Disclosure of greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) and reporting on climate change is becoming increasingly important around the world. The linkage …