White House Targets Methane Emissions

Jay OwenResource Efficiency

White House Targets Methane Emissions On March 28, the white house released a multi-pronged strategy to reduce methane emissions from a variety of sources, a step the administration says is an outgrowth of the President’s Climate Action Plan announced last year. Methane is a powerful greenhouse gas, about 20 times more potent …

Profit from the Death of Your Electric Company

Jay OwenGreen Prosperity, Trendspotting

  Profit from the Death of Your Electric Company By Jeff Siegel | Wednesday, July 31st, 2013 The annual market for distributed generation will reach $12.7 billion in about three years. This figure is based on a recent Pike Research report on microgrids, and has since been shown to be …

Jay OwenGreen Prosperity, Trendspotting

    Profit from the Death of Your Electric Company By Jeff Siegel | Wednesday, July 31st, 2013 The annual market for distributed generation will reach $12.7 billion in about three years. This figure is based on a recent Pike Research report on microgrids, and has since been shown to …

Are Utilities Missing Out on the Benefits of Combined Heat and Power?

Jay OwenResource Efficiency

  NEWS RELEASE    Media Contact: Patrick Kiker pkiker@aceee.org  202.507.4043    Are Utilities Missing Out on the Benefits of Combined Heat and Power?    When a power plant generates power, it also generates massive amounts of heat. Though that heat is a valuable resource, it is typically rejected as waste …

Verizon, Intel, Opower tout major energy efficiency savings, EV battle in CA

Ethical MarketsGreentech

By Derek Top, Senior Editor, Program Director – VERGE Systems-thinking, an important concept in creating large-scale efficiencies and cost savings in the emerging VERGE ecosystem, is catching on. A report released yesterday from ACEEE discovers how system efficiency opportunities produce energy savings that dwarf component-based improvements in individual appliances or vehicles. The report …