Adding Insult to Injury: On the 2010 Bank of Sweden Economics Prize in Memory of Alfred Nobel by Yanis Varoufakis Imagine a world ravaged by a plague, and suppose that the year’s Nobel Prize for Medicine is awarded to researchers whose whole career is based on the assumption that plagues …
Where did our money go? The black hole of bank bail-outs
Where did our money go? The great banking black hole Last week nef’s banking campaign delivered a stark warning about the state of the UK’s financial system. Using Bank of England data, nefcalculated that the major lending banks could be demanding another bail-out in 2011. Their borrowing requirement is set …
WEBCAST: Civil Society Town Hall Meeting
New Rules Weekly Update WEBCAST: Civil Society Town Hall Meeting During the 2010 Annual Meetings of the IMF and World Bank, New Rules for Global Finance’s Executive Director, Jo Marie Griesgraber was asked to Chair the Civil Society Town Hall Meeting. Click here to view the webcast of the Town …