‘Lights out’ were the calls heard around the world for the sixth Earth Hour held this late March. The initiative started by the World Wildlife Fund is a striking symbol that gives us a measure of how far the world has come since ‘environment’ and ‘sustainability’ were considered emerging issues, …
UNEP FI Climate Change: Risks and Opportunities for the Finance May 7 – 28, 2012 Online Dates: 7 – 28 May 2012 Language: English Contact: cc-training@unepfi.org 50 % DISCOUNT FOR UNEP FI MEMBERS The next UNEP FI Online Course on Climate Change: Risks and Opportunities for the Finance Sector will …
Essential viewing for UNEP-FI delegates
What’s The Connection? What’s the Connection – between the March tsunami disaster and Japan’s first ‘smart city’? Find the connection and then explore magnificent Masdar, a city that’s breaking the boundaries to going green. Read more The Power Of Wind How do we turn wind energy into green energy to …
Invitation to the Media: UN Global Roundtable on markets stability and sustainable finance
MEDIA ADVISORY For immediate release Washington D.C./Geneva, 11 October 2011 – With the drive for economic recovery topping the US and global political agenda, the United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative (UNEP FI) is organizing a landmark summit on financial sustainability and market stability in Washington, D.C. The 2011 Global …