Falling Gasoline Use Means United States Can Just Say No to New Pipelines and Food-to-Fuel Janet Larsen www.earth-policy.org/data_highlights/2013/highlights38 Earth Policy Release Data Highlight March 28, 2013 Freeing America from its dependence on oil from unstable parts of the world is an admirable goal, but many of the proposed solutions—including …
Against The Grain
Farmland LP expects healthy dividends that are not correlated with oil by relying on the ultimate bio-fuel By Ellie Winninghoff While farmland is a hot alternative vehicle among institutional investors like Harvard University and TIAA-Cref, some wonder how alternative an investment it really is. “[The price of] farmland is traditionally …
Food vs. Fuel and the Midwest Drought | The Energy Collective Daily
It was bound to happen. As long as US corn output continued to climb year after year, the federal mandate to blend steadily increasing quantities of ethanol into gasoline could be accommodated without creating a shortage of this staple grain. Read more…