INVESTING IN HURRICANE SANDY By Ellie Winninghoff Community Capital Management’s flagship fund, CRA Qualified Investment Fund (CRAIX), will dedicate $100 million of fund assets to invest in disaster recovery and redevelopment projects in New York, New Jersey and Connecticut in the wake of Hurricane Sandy. “We have some …
Fannie And Freddie: The Elephants In The Room
FANNIE AND FREDDIE: THE ELEPHANTS IN THE ROOM by Sarah Stranahan, New Economy Network and Ethical Markets Advisory Board House Republicans recently introduced eight separate bills to limit and disempower the two big Government Service Enterprises (GSEs), Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Republicans in the House argue that failure to …
Shock Therapy for Wall Street: JPMorgan suspends 56,000 Foreclosures; GMAC and BOA Many More
Ellen Brown October 2, 2010 “Maybe this is like shock therapy. Maybe this will actually get the lenders to the table and encourage them to work out deals that are to the benefit of everybody.” –Economist Karl E. Case, quoted in the New York Times The hits are coming …
Bob Monks: political system…
TUESDAY, JULY 20, 2010 Bob Monks: political system is simply a vehicle through which the business expresses its power Bob talks about the power of business over government in new video this week. In discussing the financial bill and the failure to address corporate governance, he said, “The business community …