The Business Need for Ethics & Compliance Professionals is Huge. We Provide the Gold Standard in Training.

Jay OwenSRI/ESG News

 The Business Need for Ethics & Compliance Professionals is Huge. We Provide the Gold Standard in Training. For two decades the Center for Business Ethics at Bentley University and the Ethics & Compliance Association (ECA) have been pioneers in providing the leading executive education program in ethics and compliance. That …

WATCH: Black churches join the climate fight. The tide is about to turn!

Jay OwenGreen Prosperity, SRI/ESG News

“The Black church has always joined hands with other faith traditions and stood on the front lines as they did in Selma, Alabama, fifty years ago. Now it’s time to take on climate change.” –Reverend Ambrose Carroll, Green For All Fellow + Green The Church Founder People of all faiths …

ISSP Conference, November 12-14

Ethical Markets - RSustainability News Join us for ISSP’s third international conference, an opportunity for sustainability champions from all over the world to convene, network, learn and help shape the profession. More than 400 sustainability professionals from around the world are expected to attend. They will hear from hand-picked keynoters and other …

Innovation Forum – Business & Human Rights, November 10

Ethical Markets - RPartner Announcements and News

Business and Human Rights How to get beyond policy, manage risk and build relationships 10 November, 2014, London Introduction This global event is a meeting place for corporate practitioners tasked with the responsibility of putting human rights principles into practice. Going beyond the usual theory and into the practical implications …

Innovation Forum – How Business can Tackle Deforestation October 28-29

Ethical Markets - RPartner Announcements and News

A global conference combatting deforestation has recently been launched by Innovation Forum. The event – How business can tackle deforestation – is to be held in London on 28-29 October. The key objective of the conference is to bring together the key players in the space to promote discussion and …

FOR RELEASE: Mid-Year – Solar Doubles; Wind at 5%; Renewables = 14.3% of U.S. Electricity

Jay OwenGreentech

SUN DAY CAMPAIGN (a campaign for a sustainable energy future) 6930 Carroll Avenue, Suite #340; Takoma Park, MD 20912 301-270-6477 x.11 Twitter: Follow @SunDayCampaign News Advisory MID-YEAR REPORT:   ELECTRICAL GENERATION FROM RENEWABLES HITS 14.3% WIND IS AT 5%, AS SOLAR MORE THAN DOUBLES     For Release:  Wednesday …

Investors Urge FCC to Adopt Net Neutrality Rules, Reclassify Broadband Internet

Jay OwenSRI/ESG News, Global Citizen, Wealth of Networks

  For Immediate Release July 14, 2014 Investors Urge FCC to Adopt Net Neutrality Rules, Reclassify Broadband Internet Under Title II For immediate release July 14, 2014   NEW YORK – A group of investment firms and foundations with widely-diversified investment portfolios today called upon the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) …

Please join message to World Leaders on climate change, DDPP report launched

Jay OwenGreen Prosperity, Global Citizen, Earth Systems Science

  It is Time to Act: 2 Degrees is the Limit This is your moment as a global citizen and leader to raise your voice to head off disastrous climate change. By clicking here you can add your name with many of the world’s leading scientists and climate experts to an urgent …

BREAKING: FCC votes to kill Net Neutrality (for now)

Jay OwenGlobal Citizen, Wealth of Networks

Just moments ago, the Federal Communications Commission voted to consider adopting rules that would end Net Neutrality and give the 1% a fast lane on the internet. They did it in spite of a wave of public outrage towards the idea of a two-tiered internet: In addition to more than …

Gross National Wholeness

Jay OwenAdvisors' Forum

Gross National Wholeness By Martin Ping, Executive Director, Hawthorne Valley; EMM Advisory Board member By Martin Ping Few things in life elicit more happiness and joy than the first signs of spring. Especially after experiencing a genuine winter that seemed oblivious to the calendar and in no hurry to depart. …