Ceres Newsletter: Climate Change is Hitting the Slopes

Jay OwenGreen Prosperity, SRI/ESG News

  Ceres Newsletter – June 2013 Press and Media Press Release: Investors Highlight Policies That Could Spur Multi-Billion Dollar Opportunity in Energy Efficiency Investments Blog: Water Protection Gets Shortchanged in Proposed Fracking Rules (National Geographic) News Story: Investor Group Proposes ESG Disclosure Rules(Environmental Leader) Press Release: New Study: More U.S. Mutual Fund Companies Supporting Climate …

Administration Gives Solar Industry Big Shot in the Arm

Ethical MarketsGreen Prosperity

Posted By Environmental Leader On December 17, 2010 (10:01 am) In Cleantech Funding, Environmental Policy & Law,  Government,  Green Incentives,  Solar Energy Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar and Secretary of Energy Steven Chu announced a comprehensive environmental analysis that has identified proposed ‘solar energy zones’ on public lands in …