Why Potential Trillion dollar Carbon Bubble Grows Daily |Smart Planet Weekly

Jay OwenTrendspotting

SmartPlanet Weekly   MANAGE |READ ONLINE | PREVIOUS SmartPlanet Weekly A WEEKLY PREVIEW OF OUR CURRENT ISSUE, DELIVERED EVERY SUNDAY. June 15, 2014 FROM THE DESK OF … Want to have a say in legislation? In Argentina, there’s an app for that. We talk to the woman behind a new …

New Poll Shows Voters Are Ready To Pay To Blunt Climate Change

Jay OwenGreen Prosperity

New Poll Shows Voters Are Ready To Pay To Blunt Climate Change By Tom Kenworthy on June 11, 2014 at 10:10 am CREDIT: Shutterstock If this keeps up, more politicians may learn to love climate change as a political issue. A new poll from Bloomberg shows that by nearly a …

Hazel Henderson speaks to John Thomas during Living In Oness Summit, May 2014

Jay OwenGreen Prosperity

Hazel Henderson speaks to John Thomas during Living In Oness Summit, May 2014 Hazel Henderson spoke in the Business/Professional track which addressed on how a new way of conducting business is emerging, a kind and compassionate approach to business. It is spiritually conscious business. What does this mean for you? …

The Economic Case for Divesting from Fossil Fuels

Jay OwenSRI/ESG News, Resource Efficiency

Garvin Jabusch, Co-Founder, Chief Investment Officer, Green Alpha Advisors   The fossil fuels industry, big oil, big coal, natural gas, and its allied sectors, including some large financial institutions, will not quietly or willingly retire into the history of ideas whose time has passed. That fossil fuels represent the single …

ScienceDaily: Top Environment News: All teeth and claws? New study sheds light on dinosaur claw function

Jay OwenEarth Systems Science

ScienceDaily: Top Environment News   All teeth and claws? New study sheds light on dinosaur claw function Posted: 06 May 2014 05:41 PM PDT How claw form and function changed during the evolution from dinosaurs to birds is explored in a new study into the claws of a group of …

ScienceDaily: Top Environment News: Synthesized ‘solar’ jet fuel: Renewable kerosene from sunlight, water and carbon dioxide

Jay OwenGreentech

ScienceDaily: Top Environment News Synthesized ‘solar’ jet fuel: Renewable kerosene from sunlight, water and carbon dioxide Posted: 03 May 2014 03:49 PM PDT With the first ever production of synthesized “solar” jet fuel, the EU-funded SOLAR-JET project has successfully demonstrated the entire production chain for renewable kerosene obtained directly from …

The Wiser.org website was officially closed on April 22nd 2014 – Earth Day.

Jay OwenGlobal Citizen, Wealth of Networks

Dear Wiser.org friends, members and supporters, The Wiser.org website was officially closed on April 22nd 2014 – Earth Day. We are so grateful to everyone who has been part of this incredible journey towards a more just and sustainable world. We thank you for all your messages and well wishes sent after …