The Energy Collective: Coast to Coast, Legislation Protecting Communities Gains Momentum

Jay OwenGreen Prosperity

    Coast to Coast, Legislation Protecting Communities Gains Momentum Posted: 22 Mar 2014 08:00 AM PDT Every day, communities across the country are taking action to protect themselves against the harms of industrial fracking. These efforts are illustrated by events like the string of successful bans and moratoria that …

greentechmedia: To Hell With the Gov’t Shutdown, Let’s Create Some Cleantech Wealth

Jay OwenGreen Prosperity

LATEST NEWS: To Hell With the Gov’t Shutdown, Let’s Create Some Cleantech Wealth  Stephen Lacey – October 3, 2013 The Energy Gang explores how to leverage trillions of dollars in clean energy investment. EDF Experts on Fracking-Methane Study: 5 Key Takeaways  Breaking Energy, Conway Irwin – October 3, 2013 A …

GreenBuzz: Who are the leading companies in natural capital?

Jay OwenGreen Prosperity

Taking Care of Business By Joel Makower, Chairman & Executive Editor Today is the deadline for submitting nominations to VERGE Accelerate, our pitch competition for start-ups and early-stage entrepreneurs working at the convergence of technology and sustainability. Up to 20 selected companies will present on stage next month at VERGE SF …

ACEEE: Energy Efficiency Programs and Policies Could Save Louisiana Residents and Businesses over $4 Billion

Jay OwenResource Efficiency

NEWS RELEASE     Media Contact: Patrick Kiker  202.507.4043   Energy Efficiency Programs and Policies Could Save Louisiana Residents and Businesses over $4 Billion   New Orleans Already Beginning to Lead State in Energy Efficiency Efforts, but Tremendous Savings for Residents and Businesses Still Untapped     Washington, D.C. …

Middle East and North Africa Solar Market Outlook, 2013-2017

Jay OwenGreen Prosperity

NEW REPORT: MENA SOLAR MARKET OUTLOOK IS NOW AVAILABLE TO PURCHASE! The MENA region possesses the greatest technical potential for renewable energy in the world with much of this potential attributed to solar energy. This potential is now starting to be more seriously considered across the region, driven by rapidly increasing energy …

Access the Latest Customer and Corporate Energy Management Insights with the Deloitte reSources 2012 Study

kristyResource Efficiency

June 26, 2012 CLEAN EDGE ALERT Partner Announcement: Deloitte’s Nationwide reSources 2012 Study Clean Edge and Deloitte invite you to review findings from the Deloitte reSources 2012 Study, a second annual nationwide study intended to uncover the actions that consumers, and businesses, are taking to manage their energy usage and …

US Department of Energy Green Button program spurs smart apps

Ethical MarketsResource Efficiency

VELObill from Zerofootprint, among top winners of Green Button “Energy App” Challenge New York, May 24 – The winners of the US Department of Energy’s “Apps for Energy” Challenge were announced this week, and New York based VELObill by Zerofootprint, Inc. won 3rd place as the leading app for utility …

Report Examines How Energy Behavior Programs Can Help Build an Energy-Efficient Culture in the Workplace

kristyResource Efficiency

NEWS RELEASE Media Contact: Patrick Kiker 202.507.4043 Report Examines How Energy Behavior Programs Can Help Build an Energy-Efficient Culture in the Workplace Programs Examined Include Measures Taken by the House of Representatives and the Empire State Building Washington, D.C. (January 10, 2012): Energy behavior programs aimed at reducing building …

The Beginning of the End for ECD Solar?


Vermont Electric Cooperative: Pleasing People During Outages How one utility focused on one problem and ended up doing a whole lot more with smart grid. The Beginning of the End for ECD Solar? This is what a solar shakeout looks like. It’s bad for employees and some firms, but good …