GREEN BONDS MARKET OUTLOOK 2014 The green bonds universe is growing by leaps and bounds with over $20 billion inissuance so far this year. Bloomberg New Energy Finance research provides the most objective insights into the broadest universe of environmental opportunities in the bond markets. To see the latest …
Energy Storage: the Next Charge for Distributed Energy.
By John Farrell, Institute for Local Self-Reliance, March 2014 Energy storage promises to change the electricity system during the next decade, as fundamentally as distributed renewable energy has in the last decade. A new report from the Institute for Local Self-Reliance, Energy Storage: The Next Charge for Distributed Energy, forecasts …
UN launches DECADE-LONG initiative TO PROMOTE SUSTAINABLE energy FOR ALL New York, Apr 9 2014 6:00PM The United Nations launched today the Decade of Sustainable Energy for All (2014-2024), an initiative aimed at promoting renewable energy and energy efficiency worldwide, with a forum to take place annually, starting this coming …
Energy Self-Reliant States: Could Minnesota’s “Value of Solar” Make Everyone a Winner?
Last week, Minnesota’s utility regulators approved the first state “value of solar” methodology – could it make everyone a winner? Also, I’m off to testify on a bill in Minnesota to study greater energy freedom for cities; specifically, to require a study of community choice aggregation, or as I refer to it, “municipalization …
Sustainable Development Update – 3 February 2014 – Sustainable Development Policy & Practice
UN Scientific Advisory Board Holds Inaugural Meeting 31_January 2014: The first meeting of the Scientific Advisory Board launched by UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon set out a calendar for its work, and discussed means to tighten the linkage between the science and policy, as well as to define priority scientific issues for …
Energy Self-Reliant States: Bypassing the Power Grid
I spent most of last week on the West Coast with the family (and even went for a ride in the redwoods on an early 20th century steam train), but I came across a terrific video from EnergyShouldBe on why baseload power sources like coal and nuclear are incompatible with a largely …
ILSR’s Energy Self-Reliant States: New Report! City Power Play: 8 Practical Local Energy Policies to Boost the Economy
It’s out! Check out our latest report featuring 8 Practical Local Energy Policies to Boost the Economy, with examples illustrating the policies in action and links right to the ordinances that made them work. Also, I just posted a panel presentation I gave to the Society of Environmental Journalists last Friday, …
he Way Forward for Renewable Energy in Central America Phase One Report Just Released: The Way Forward Renewable Energy in Central America: Status Assessment, Best Practices, Gap Analysis Click to download a copy of the report: English Version &Spanish Version With joint support from the Climate Development Knowledge Networkand the Energy and Environment Partnership …
Are Utilities Missing Out on the Benefits of Combined Heat and Power?
NEWS RELEASE Media Contact: Patrick Kiker 202.507.4043 Are Utilities Missing Out on the Benefits of Combined Heat and Power? When a power plant generates power, it also generates massive amounts of heat. Though that heat is a valuable resource, it is typically rejected as waste …
ACEEE: Energy Efficiency Programs and Policies Could Save Louisiana Residents and Businesses over $4 Billion
NEWS RELEASE Media Contact: Patrick Kiker 202.507.4043 Energy Efficiency Programs and Policies Could Save Louisiana Residents and Businesses over $4 Billion New Orleans Already Beginning to Lead State in Energy Efficiency Efforts, but Tremendous Savings for Residents and Businesses Still Untapped Washington, D.C. …
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