A discussion paper prepared by the European Council for an Energy Efficient Economy (eceee) with support from Energifonden. 21 May 2013 The debate on the competitiveness of Europe seems to have started on the wrong foot. In a Council paper, “Energy challenges and …
Department of Energy Unveils ‘Energy 101’ Framework
Department of Energy Unveils ‘Energy 101’ Framework Colleges Urged to Create ‘Introduction to Energy’ Courses Open to All Undergraduates For Immediate Release For more information contact: Ellen Vaughan at (202) 662-1893 or energy101@eesi.org March 12, 2013–In an effort to help address the array of energy challenges facing the country, …
Verizon, Intel, Opower tout major energy efficiency savings, EV battle in CA
By Derek Top, Senior Editor, Program Director – VERGE Systems-thinking, an important concept in creating large-scale efficiencies and cost savings in the emerging VERGE ecosystem, is catching on. A report released yesterday from ACEEE discovers how system efficiency opportunities produce energy savings that dwarf component-based improvements in individual appliances or vehicles. The report …