Our generation faces huge challenges: a failing jobs market, record inequality, and the growing threat of catastrophic climate change. But our generation also has the solutions to address all these challenges at once. From coast-to-coast, innovative young leaders are organizing across issue lines to build the green economy as an …
Arrested, but not stopping
By the time you read this, I will be on my way to jail. I have never been arrested before. It’s not a decision to make lightly. In the last week, 706 people have been arrested in front of the White House calling on President Obama to reject an outright …
President Obama Meets with Power Shift Youth Clean Energy Leaders
Immediate Release: April 15, 2011 Contact: Trevor FitzGibbon 202-406-0646 Brianna Cayo Cotter 415-305-1943 President Obama Meets with Power Shift Youth Clean Energy Leaders Leaders Urge President to Protect Clean Air Act, the EPA, and Rethink “clean” Energy Policy More than 5000 to Rally Outside of White …