Ethical Markets congratulates the World Future Council, its Founder,Jakob von Uexkull ( who also serves on our Advisory Board) and Honorary WFC Councillor Dr. Jane Goodall for her ground-breaking research and many achievements. ~ Hazel Henderson, Editor Dear Friends of the World Future Council, Our Honorary Councillor Jane …
Downsizing Finance: The Mother of All Bubbles
Downsizing Finance: The Mother of All Bubbles By Hazel Henderson In this column, Hazel Henderson, a futurist and economic iconoclast who is the president of Ethical Markets Media (USA and Brazil) and creator of the Green Transition Scoreboard, writes that economism must be defrocked as obsolete and a failed ideology. ST. …
Transforming Economics Into True Wealth
November 2012 The statement on TRANSFORMING ECONOMIES INTO TRUE WEALTH is an invitation to fully engage in the planetary whole-system shift now under way. Many SRI investment professionals recognize our human responsibility for the many breakdowns in our societies and enfolding ecosystems resulting from our limited consciousness: climate change, hunger, …
Honoring President Vaclav Havel
By Hazel Henderson Philosopher-poet-playwright and global citizen, Václav Havel was the freedom fighter who led the Czech people to independence from Soviet Russian occupation. He became their first president in 1989 after the peaceful “velvet revolution” swept this brave man into power with massive support and the slogan “Havel to …