James Robertson Newsletter No. 46 – The business-as-usual world of today shows symptoms of “madness”

Jay OwenReforming Global Finance

James Robertson Newsletter No. 46 – April 2014 The full Newsletter can also be viewed at www.jamesrobertson.com/newsletter.htm.    CONTENTS A New Website Item 1. Introduction 2. Work – In Industrial Civilisation and After 3. Corporations Must Experience Austerity 4. Glimpses of a Possible Future 5. Money: Signs of Progress 6. …

Microbusinesses don’t just create jobs; they create GOOD jobs!

Jay OwenReforming Global Finance

What has not been known, until now, is whether those jobs are any good?  Based on the seminal study published by the FIELD/aspen institute which used in-depth interviews of the employees of Accion East microbusinesses, the resounding answer to the question is ‘yes’!   In summary, the report highlights that 1) …

Convergent Globalisation for Sustainability

Jay OwenGreen Prosperity, Sustainability News

Convergent Globalisation for Sustainability January 31st 2014, 9.30am – 4.30pm The Create Centre, Bristol Interested in bringing together environment and development agendas? Think there is a need for considering social inequity at the same time as protecting the environment? Want to have your say on these issues? Join us to …

ASBC Launches Companies for Safer Chemicals Coalition & Other Updates

Jay OwenCommunity Development Solutions, Trendspotting, Wealth of Networks

Urgent Campaign Actions   Companies for Safer Chemicals Coalition  A group of leading consumer brands, led by asbc and Seventh Generation, announced the creation of a coalition to ensure Congress modernizes the nation’s out-of-date chemical laws, and to counter the narrative that businesses desire a weakreform bill. The story has …

Schumacher Institute – our Converge project has delivered its final recommendations to the European Commission

Jay OwenSustainability News

It’s been a busy few months at the Schumacher Institute – our Converge project has delivered its final recommendations to the European Commission. So there has been lots of reporting for our research team! Elsewhere in the Institute, we also have lots going on. Below you will find details of …

KL Felicitas Foundation

Jay OwenSRI/ESG News

EXCITING NEWS! Dear Friends, Family and Impact Peers, Thirteen years ago, Charly and I embarked on a journey to challenge the financial industry status quo – the belief that postive impact and market return could not co-exist in an investment portfolio.  Today we are proud to announce the publication of Evolution of …

Science Daily: Scientists shut down reproductive ability, desire in pest insects

Jay OwenEarth Systems Science

ScienceDaily: Top Environment News     Scientists shut down reproductive ability, desire in pest insects Posted: 26 Aug 2013 03:29 PM PDT Entomologists have identified a neuropeptide named natalisin that regulates the sexual activity and reproductive ability of insects. The finding may open new possibilities for environmentally friendly pest management. …

Listen Up: How One Brand Learned That Greenwashing Is Never an ‘Ethical Choice’

Jay OwenSRI/ESG News, Sustainability News

                                  COMMUNICATING SUSTAINABILITY Listen Up: How One Brand Learned That Greenwashing Is Never an ‘Ethical Choice’     Behaviour change starts with listening. In recent weeks, a major global brand may have started listening …

The Crowd Cafe: The Rise of Meaningful Investing

Jay OwenSRI/ESG News

  Don’t hesitate to get in touch! j@thecrowdcafe.com The Rise of Meaningful Investing Jonathan Sandlund |View Original Post|   Crowdinvesting is the byproduct of two strands of disruption: technical and cultural.  We explored the technical disruption in the first part of this series. Specifically looking at low-end disruption, a pattern codified by Clayton …