CDFI Fund Announces $17 Million for Lending and Investments in Low-Income and Distressed Communities

Jay OwenCommunity Development Solutions

Media Contact: Bill Luecht  |  202.653.0322  | CDFI Fund Announces $17 Million for Lending and Investments in Low-Income and Distressed Communities November 15, 2013 Washington, DC – Today, the U.S. Department of the Treasury’s Community Development Financial Institutions Fund (cdfi Fund) announced awards totaling approximately $17 million to 85 FDIC-insured depository institutions for …

Federation Issues Major Study of CDCUs and CDFI Industry

kristyCommunity Development Solutions

Federation Issues Major Study of CDCUs and CDFI Industry (March 14, 2012 – New York, NY) A major new study by National Federation of Community Development Credit Unions (Federation) President/CEO Cliff Rosenthal, entitled Credit Unions, Community Development Finance and the Great Recession, has been released by the Federal Reserve Bank …

Federation Issues Major Study of CDCUs and CDFI Industry

kristyCommunity Development Solutions, SRI/ESG News

We welcome this important report , however, the “Great Recession” is a mystification, when we all know that the real problem is that the domestic money supply collapsed, due to fewer bank loans and securitizations, by which our banks create most of our nation’s money supply! Hazel Henderson, Editor Federation …

Why QE2 Failed: The Money All Went Offshore

kristyTV Series

Why QE2 Failed: The Money All Went Offshore Ellen Brown July 8, 2011 On June 30, QE2 ended with a whimper. The Fed’s second round of “quantitative easing” involved $600 billion created with a computer keystroke for the purchase of long-term government bonds. But the government never actually got …