#OCCUPYWALLSTREET: Occupied. OWS Updates for the Week of July 12

Jay OwenGlobal Citizen

GET THIS FROM A FRIEND? SUBSCRIBE SHARE:  DebtFair, an initiative led by Occupy Museums, has just sent a letter to a number of art school deans, asking them to come up with an alternative to debt-funded, high-cost art education. The letter was partially provoked by the recent doubling in interest rates …

Your Inbox: Occupied. OWS Updates for the Week of May 2

Jay OwenGlobal Citizen

GET THIS FROM A FRIEND? SUBSCRIBE SHARE:    The May Day celebrations here in NYC were full of joy!   To give you just a taste of what transpired, many Occupiers helped organize andtook part in a Free University in Cooper Square Park, outside of Cooper Union, the art school besieged by their …

Invitation to AMI May 12 Cooper Union Event

Jay OwenReforming Global Finance

Invitation to AMI May 12 Cooper Union Event  Dear Friend of the American Monetary Institute, Our event at Cooper Union, Fixing Our Broken Money System, is exciting! This educational forum on our money and banking system brings together true AMI experts that have dedicated their lives to solving the monetary problems inherent in …


Jay OwenReforming Global Finance

We at Ethical Markets support the American Monetary Institute and its dedicated work and hope many will attend this conference on “Fixing our Broken Money System” ,   also watch our  TV Special “  THE MONEY FIX “   at www.ethicalmarkets.tv    –   Hazel Henderson, Editor in Chief Fixing our Broken Money …