Profit from the Death of Your Electric Company By Jeff Siegel | Wednesday, July 31st, 2013 The annual market for distributed generation will reach $12.7 billion in about three years. This figure is based on a recent Pike Research report on microgrids, and has since been shown to be …
Are Utilities Missing Out on the Benefits of Combined Heat and Power?
NEWS RELEASE Media Contact: Patrick Kiker 202.507.4043 Are Utilities Missing Out on the Benefits of Combined Heat and Power? When a power plant generates power, it also generates massive amounts of heat. Though that heat is a valuable resource, it is typically rejected as waste …
LOHAS Highlights Love and Profit as Motivation to Sustainability
LOHAS Highlights Love and Profit as Motivation to Sustainability By Claudine Schneider, Ethical Markets Advisory Board member and correspondent Report on the June 2013 LOHAS Conference, Boulder, Colorado “You protect what you fall in love with”, so said one of the featured presenters at the recent LOHAS conference (Lifestyles …
The Crowd Cafe: The Rise of Meaningful Investing
Don’t hesitate to get in touch! The Rise of Meaningful Investing Jonathan Sandlund |View Original Post| Crowdinvesting is the byproduct of two strands of disruption: technical and cultural. We explored the technical disruption in the first part of this series. Specifically looking at low-end disruption, a pattern codified by Clayton …
Press Release – Launch of the Renewables 2013 Global Status Report
Media Contact: Christine Lins, Executive Secretary, REN21 Tel: +33 1 44 37 50 90 | Media Contact: Miriam Wolf, Press Officer, Frankfurt School of Finance & Management, Tel: +49 69 154 008 290 PRESS RELEASE Renewable Energy: World Invests $244 billion in 2012, Geographic Shift to Developing Countries The sister …
greentech media: Wall Street Journal Warns of the ‘All-Powerful Bike Lobby’
LATEST NEWS: Wall Street Journal Warns of the ‘All-Powerful Bike Lobby’ Stephen Lacey – June 3, 2013 WSJ editorial board member calls bike sharing the work of “totalitarians.” My View: What’s Good for APS Is Not Necessarily Good for Arizona (or Solar) Barry Goldwater Jr. – June 3, 2013 The …
ACEEE: New Standards Cut “Vampire” Energy Waste and Offer Hope that the White House and DOE Are Addressing Delays to Energy Efficiency Standards
NEWS RELEASE Media Contact: Patrick Kiker 202.507.4043 New Standards Cut “Vampire” Energy Waste and Offer Hope that the White House and DOE Are Addressing Delays to Energy Efficiency Standards U.S. Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz announced new national energy efficiency standards for microwave ovens on Friday that …
Perspectives for a sustainable development of Nordic aquaculture
Perspectives for a sustainable development of Nordic aquaculture The Paban-Report (click the picture to access the report or go to Aquaculture is one of the fastest growing production sectors and the value of aquaculture is now about to surpass the value of capture fisheries. Among the Nordic …
Video: La Surconsommation (Overconsumption)
Video: La Surconsommation (Overconsumption) Distinguished member of our advisory board Thais Corral from Brazil sent this to us. This explicit video follows consumption to its extreme. Shocking as it is, we felt we should post it. Watch the video.