Ethical Markets posts this debate on the 2 degree Limit while we continue to focus on what all 191 UN member countries already agree : to shift away from fossil energy and non-renewables to cleaner,inclusive sustainable green economies worldwide . This is what we track in our Green Transition Scoreboard® …
Other News: Financial reform: Call to arms
Financial reform: Call to arms By Martin Wolf – Financial Times Post-crisis efforts to bolster economies and create safer banks have only preserved a flawed system The financial crises and the years of economic malaise that followed represent profound failures of the economy and of policy. Above …
Today’s Top Stories from GFI – GFI Urges Obama, African Leaders to Prioritize Curbing Illicit Financial Flows at U.S.-Africa Sum
Monday, August 4, 2014 From the Global Financial Integrity Blog: Join Us for Our Upcoming Conference on Illicit Financial Flows in Brazil Illicit Finance Jounralism Programme Lauches Fourth Training Project Debate in Delaware on Anonymous Companies Why Wildlife Trafficking and Anonymous Companies …
5 Industries Worried About Peak Oil
5 Industries Worried About Peak Oil The debate over the impact of peak oil has been raging for decades. Although few deny that the end of mass oil consumption is drawing nearer, educated estimates now range between 2020 and 2030. But more important than the timeframe of peak oil are its …
SUN DAY CAMPAIGN (a campaign for a sustainable energy future) 6930 Carroll Avenue, Suite #340; Takoma Park, MD 20912 301-270-6477 x.11 Twitter: Follow @SunDayCampaign News Advisory WIND CROSSES 5% THRESHOLD AND SOLAR DOUBLES AS RENEWABLES PROVIDE 14% OF U.S. ELECTRICAL GENERATION DURING FIRST THIRD OF 2014 HOWEVER, AS …
Towards Environmental Sustainability in the Post-2015 Development Agenda: Three Transformative Levers
Towards Environmental Sustainability in the Post-2015 Development Agenda: Three Transformative Levers Written by Alvin Leong (LLM, JD), Fellow at the Pace Center for Environmental Legal Studies. He can be contacted at First posted by, a site facilitated by the Overseas Development Institute. The co-chairs of the Open Working Group …
ScienceDaily: Top Environment News: All teeth and claws? New study sheds light on dinosaur claw function
ScienceDaily: Top Environment News All teeth and claws? New study sheds light on dinosaur claw function Posted: 06 May 2014 05:41 PM PDT How claw form and function changed during the evolution from dinosaurs to birds is explored in a new study into the claws of a group of …
Earth Policy Institute: Fisheries and Aquaculture Fact Sheet
Fisheries and Aquaculture Fact Sheet Earth Policy Release March 27, 2014 The world fish catch is a measure of the productivity and health of the oceanic ecosystem that covers 70 percent of the earth’s surface. The extent to which world demand for seafood is outrunning the sustainable yield of …
New GMO Studies Demonstrate ‘Substantial Non-Equivalence’
========================================================gm maize and counterparts. This makes a mockery of the regulatory principle of ‘Substantial Equivalence’The concept of ‘Substantial Equivalence’ was first introduced in 1993 by theOrganisation for US Food and Drug Administration, theCanadian Food Inspection Agency and Japan’s Ministry of egypt showed substantial non-equivalence and toxicity for GM cornIn April …
China’s Plan to Clean Up Air in Cities Will Doom the Climate, Scientists Say
Exclusively on InsideClimate News, This Year’s Winner of the Pulitzer Prize for National Reporting Harper Govt Makes Moves to Silence Canada’s Leading Environmental Groups In both the United States and Canada, pipelines and President Obama has encouraged tar sands policies. Read more. China’s Plan to Clean Up Air …