COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo., March 12, 2014 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — Nominations are open until June 8th for the 2014 EthicMark® Awards for ads and media campaigns that “uplift the human spirit and society.” The winners will be announced at the 25th annual SRI Conference on Sustainable, Responsible, Impact Investing on November 9, 2014, in Colorado Springs, Colorado( The …
For Immediate Release TRANSFORMING ADVERTISING: NOMINATIONS OPEN FOR 2014 ETHICMARK® AWARDS 2014 EthicMark® Awards Call for Nominations honoring best sustainable, environmental campaigns now open. St. Augustine, FL, March 3, 2014 – Nominations are now open, running until June 13, 2014, for the 2014 EthicMark® Awards for ads and …
The Crowd Cafe: The Rise of Meaningful Investing
Don’t hesitate to get in touch! The Rise of Meaningful Investing Jonathan Sandlund |View Original Post| Crowdinvesting is the byproduct of two strands of disruption: technical and cultural. We explored the technical disruption in the first part of this series. Specifically looking at low-end disruption, a pattern codified by Clayton …
Attention, Black Friday Shoppers: Say Hello to Yerdle
“Black Friday” is typically when deal-hunters converge en rabid masse at any number of big box stores across the US to grab as many discounted items as they can get their hands on — the pinnacle of consumerism at its least genteel. On the polar opposite end of the spectrum, …
The Coupling of Gender Equality & Clean Energy
Two leaps forward are needed to attain the transition from consumerism to sustainability: a leap from sexism to gender equality, and a leap from fossil fuels to clean energy. The April 2011 issue was focused on gender equality for human development. This issue reiterates the need for gender equality and …
The Coupling of Gender Equality & Clean Energy
SUMMARY & OUTLINE SUMMARY Two leaps forward are needed to attain the transition from consumerism to sustainability: a leap from sexism to gender equality, and a leap from fossil fuels to clean energy. The April 2011 issue was focused on gender equality for human development. This issue reiterates the need …