World Pulse: Your Voices Were Heard!

Jay OwenGlobal Citizen

US Appoints Special Envoy to DRC View this email in your browser Donate | Subscribe We did it! Congolese Women Influence US Foreign Policy Your Voices Were Heard! In January, World Pulse and the Maman Shujaa Hero Women of the Democratic Republic of Congo asked you to sign a petition calling for …

World March of Women in Bukavu: Massive Trade Union Mobilisation to End Violence Against Women

kristySRI/ESG News, Wealth of Networks

Launched for the first time in 2000, the World March of Women (WMW) is set to close its third edition from 14 to 17 October 2010 in Bukavu, in the province of South Kivu in Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). A vast global movement mobilising groups and organisations fighting for …