Smart Grid M&A Watch: ABB Paid $35M for Tropos


August 30, 2012 LATEST NEWS: News | Smart Grid ——————————————————————————– Smart Grid M&A Watch: ABB Paid $35M for Tropos Jeff St. John – August 29, 2012 ABB CEO Joe Hogan cites the price paid for a Silicon Valley smart grid startup with more than $30 million in VC. News | …

Robert Monk’s Keynote Address at ICGN Conference

kristySRI/ESG News, Advisors' Forum

Robert Monk’s Keynote Address at ICGN Conference Posted: 29 Sep 2011 12:03 AM PDT Here is the full-text of Robert Monks keynote address at the 2011 Annual Conference of the International Corporate Governance Network. L’Appel This is a call to those responsible for the savings and dreams of hundreds of …