Thursday, May 5, 2011 Safety Reviewers Raise Questions about Construction of New Nuclear Fuel Plant by Donna Deedy, Special to ProPublica and Michael Grabell | @michaelgrabell | Two scientists say the NRC took construction and licensing shortcuts at a MOX fuel plant being built in South Carolina. The plant, which …
Peak Uranium – And Other Threats To Nuclear Power
Background: This article discusses the fact that the world will “run out of uranium” about the same time it “runs out of oil”. It is a limitation that was recognized from the very earliest days of nuclear research. Before the first commercial reactors were ever built, nuclear scientists were well …
Why Stewart Brand is wrong on nukes—and is losing
July 25, 2010 Stewart Brand has become a poster boy for a “nuclear renaissance” that has just suffered a quiet but stunning defeat. Despite $645 million spent in lobbying over the past decade, the reactor industry has thus far failed to gouge out major new taxpayer funding for new commercial …