Because you are a subscriber to Futurist Update, we thought you might be interested in news on an upcoming book release related to the future and to foresight. Announcing: The Naked Future: What Happens in a World That Anticipates Your Every Move? To be published on March 6, 2014 from Current Books (a …
GTS Mid-year Update August 2013
For immediate release Green Transition Scoreboard® Shows Dramatic Mid-year Surge August 30, 2013, St. Augustine, FL –The Green Transition Scoreboard® tally jumped from $4.1 trillion reported in February to $5.2 trillion as of July 2013. The Green Transition Scoreboard® tracks private investments, since 2007, in creating cleaner, greener economies globally. …
Change agents, listen up. Join the 2/21 tele-class to turn good intentions into powerful actions.
Hello everyone! No much these days gets me to look up from writing my new book , but hearing Maureen Jack-LaCroix talk about her Be the Change Action Circles so inspired me that I’m joining her and Joanna Macy, Juanita Brown and Christina Baldwin for a free teleclass ?The Power …
Apartment Building Owners, Residents Could Save Up To $3.4 Billion Annually with Energy Efficiency Improvements
NEWS RELEASE For more information contact: Stephanie Folk, CNT Energy 773.269.4085 Apartment Building Owners, Residents Could Save Up To $3.4 Billion Annually with Energy Efficiency Improvements CHICAGO (January 26, 2012): Energy efficiency upgrades in multifamily buildings could save building owners and residents up to $3.4 billion nationwide, according to …