Strong US Majority Prefers Iran Deal says “Citizen Cabinet” Survey

Jay OwenGlobal Citizen, Trendspotting

Strong US Majority Prefers Iran Deal says “Citizen Cabinet” Survey   by Jim Lobe –  Via LobeLog, IPS Blogosphere*   Sixty-one percent of the American public prefers a deal permitting Iran to continue limited uranium enrichment and imposing intrusive inspections on its nuclear facilities in exchange for some sanctions relief, …

Live Video Conversation with Van Jones: Changing the Game, Rebuilding the Dream

Jay OwenSRI/ESG News, Global Citizen

A CONVERSATION WITH VAN JONES Live Video Conversation with Van Jones: Changing the Game, Rebuilding the Dream Wednesday, December 4th from 5 – 6 PM Pacific Time | 8 – 9 PM Eastern Time Register for this free event today »  “Why is that when you see a black kid in a …

Economic Change via Cultural Change

Jay OwenReforming Global Finance

View this email in your browser As a lawyer, as a person of color, and as a concerned citizen, Van Jones is deeply committed to improving racial and economic equality while at the same time mitigating environmental degradation. In his 2007 book, The Green Collar Economy, Jones suggested that invention and … Luis von Ahn’s Duolingo Makes Splash with CNN, BuzzFeed Partnerships

Jay OwenCrowdfunding

Wednesday, October 16 Top Stories Visit Our Site Follow Like RSS Duolingo Community Now Translating CNN, BuzzFeed Articles — Crowdsourcing translation and language learning company Duolingo announced this week that it’s partnering up with media outlets CNN and BuzzFeed to translate content into French, Spanish, and Portuguese. We take a look at Duolingo’s …

[mp-public] Press Release- “Latin America 2030” by The Millennium Project is Discussed by Experts on CNN en Español: Is the Future Good for the Region?

Jay OwenTrendspotting

“Latin America 2030” by The Millennium Project is Discussed by Experts on CNN en Español: Is the Future Good for the Region? CNN en Español invited several experts to debate about the future of Latin America. Pulitzer-winner journalist Andres Oppenheimer interviewed Donald Trump and José Luis Cordeiro, who presented the …

In less than 24 hours, the Mosaic community has invested over $300,000 . . .

Jay OwenGreen Prosperity, Crowdfunding, Nature/Biomimicry

Dear Mosaic Community, We are writing to say one thing: YOU. ARE. AWESOME. In less than 24 hours, we fully funded our first publicly available projects, investing over $300,000. If anyone needed proof that people want to put their money into tangible investments that build the clean energy economy and …

CPV News: SolFocus Restructuring Itself for Sale

Ethical MarketsGreentech

CPV News: SolFocus Restructuring Itself for Sale Eric Wesoff – November 16, 2012 Pioneering CPV firm encounters “investor fatigue” and now needs to find a buyer. Research & Analysis| Network Infrastructure/AMI Itron Teams Up With Panasonic for Japan Smart Meter Market Katherine Tweed, Zach Pollock – November 16, 2012 As … October Newsletter

kristyGlobal Citizen

October 19th, 2012 The community is supported by just 2% of our members. Donate today to double our movement’s impact! DONATE NOW! has been busy this fall. Together we have pushed for a more responsible U.S. role in the world. Here’s an overview of what we’ve all accomplished: …

Lily Cole Takes on the Impossible

kristyWealth of Networks, Poetry by Hazel Henderson

Lily Cole Takes on the Impossible Lisa Cowan, Ethical Markets European Correspondent, reports on an exciting project led by London’s Lily Cole. A recent post shares a fascinating interview by Becky Anderson, a high profile Anchor for CNN news, with Lily Cole and Jimmy Wales, founder of Wikipedia. . …

Sustainable Brands Spotlights ‘Who’s Coming’ to Sustainable Brands ‘12 Conference

kristySRI/ESG News, Global Citizen, Sustainability News

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Nayelli Gonzalez Saatchi & Saatchi S 415.871.2013 Sustainable Brands Spotlights ‘Who’s Coming’ to Sustainable Brands ‘12 Conference Executives from CNN, Walmart, Safeway, Ford, Coca-Cola and More to Join Over 1,000 Attendees at Game-changing Conference in San Diego CA, June 4 – 7, 2012 SAN FRANCISCO, …