EarthKeeper News: The Disaster We’ve Wrought on the World’s Oceans May Be Irrevocable

Jay OwenSustainability News

                                        Keep the Earth. Keep it Wild!     August Newsletter   “The sun does not shine for a few trees and flowers, but for the wide world’s joy”    – …

Green Futures: The Rise of Indoor Cropping

Jay OwenGreentech

The Rise of Indoor Cropping   By Tess Riley  It’s commonly accepted that record food prices were one of the key triggers for the Arab Spring. This year in Zimbabwe, critical levels of crop failure put over two million people at risk of chronic malnutrition. Even a prosperous state like Singapore, …

ScienceDaily: Top Environment News: Pacific Ocean temperature influences tornado activity in US

Jay OwenEarth Systems Science

  ScienceDaily: Top Environment News   Pacific Ocean temperature influences tornado activity in US Posted: 17 Oct 2013 02:40 PM PDT A researcher has found that the temperature of the Pacific Ocean could help scientists predict the type and location of tornado activity in the US. Unique skull find rebuts …

ScienceDaily: Top Environment News: Glimpse into the future of acidic oceans shows ecosystems transformed

Jay OwenEarth Systems Science

ScienceDaily: Top Environment News Glimpse into the future of acidic oceans shows ecosystems transformed Finding the Goldilocks sites to store carbon dioxide underground Innovative study estimates extent to which air pollution in China shortens human lives  NASA’s polar robotic ranger passes first Greenland test  Dead zone’ impacts Chesapeake Bay fishes …


Jay OwenGreen Prosperity, Trendspotting

NewEnergyNews      Daily Headlines                              TODAY AT NewEnergyNews, July 1: * TODAY’S STUDY: CHINA’S INVESTMENTS IN NEW ENERGY * QUICK NEWS, July 1: US INDICTS CHINA WIND CO FOR STEALING AMSC CODES; A CLOSER LOOK …

ScienceDaily: Top Environment News: More hurricanes for Hawaii?

Jay OwenEarth Systems Science

ScienceDaily: Top Environment News More hurricanes for Hawaii? As climate changes, boreal forests to shift north and relinquish more carbon than expected New cost-effective genome assembly process Brighter clouds, cooler climate? Organic vapors affect clouds, leading to previously unidentified climate cooling Global highways of invasive marine species calculated   More …

[Climate Bonds] Boost for resi EE: new study shows green homes get a 9% higher sale price

kristyGreen Prosperity

Lots of people have argues that energy efficiency and other ?green? improvements should improve the value of a house, at least commensurate with the investment, but survey data on the ground has been hard to come by. Now a new study, ?The Value of Green Labels in the California Housing …