Clean Tech Comes of Age; CELS Stock Index Up 81%; Top Ten Stories of 2013; and much more

Jay OwenGreen Prosperity

research / reports / webinars / stock indexes / book / about Cleanwatch The e-Letter on Clean Technology from Clean Edge Welcome to Cleanwatch. Each issue offers the latest news, events, and other resources on clean energy, transportation, water, and materials. 2014: The Maturation of Clean Tech By Clint WIlder “First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they …

Supercharging Japan’s Clean Energy Economy; Patent Index Update; Kior’s $100M Haul, and Much More

Jay OwenGreen Prosperity, SRI/ESG News

research / reports / webinars / stock indexes / book / about Cleanwatch The e-Letter on Clean Technology from Clean Edge Welcome to Cleanwatch. Each issue offers the latest news, events, and other resources on clean energy, transportation, water, and materials. Lessons from Japan: How the Nation Can Supercharge its Clean-Energy Economy By Ron Pernick Two and a half years …

MLPs and REITs Back in the Spotlight: Will Washington Finally Level the Playing Field?

Jay OwenGreen Prosperity, SRI/ESG News