Don’t hesitate to get in touch! A Historic Week in Crowdinvesting – July 13, 2013 Jul 13, 2013 12:33 pm | Jonathan Sandlund |View Original Post| As you’ve undoubtedly heard, the SEC voted 4-1 on Wednesday to lift the ban on general solicitation of private security offerings to accredited investors. The rules will …
NewNet: Samsung C&T slashes Ontario renewables spend by $2bn
24 June 2013 – Today’s Top Stories on NewNet Samsung C&T slashes Ontario renewables spend by $2bn Consumers Energy signs major wind turbine deal with GE Vestas sells off non-core asset wind farms for €127m RusHydro, Alstom extend hydroelectric partnership The Switch triples order backlog SJF Ventures invests in sustainable …
Smart Grid M&A Watch: ABB Paid $35M for Tropos
August 30, 2012 LATEST NEWS: News | Smart Grid ——————————————————————————– Smart Grid M&A Watch: ABB Paid $35M for Tropos Jeff St. John – August 29, 2012 ABB CEO Joe Hogan cites the price paid for a Silicon Valley smart grid startup with more than $30 million in VC. News | …
Mexico passes tough Climate Law: can you hear “nyah nyah USA”?
Mexico passes tough Climate Law: can you hear “nyah nyah USA”? / IaDB CC head argues for 2Gt p.c. C&C / China $476m wind bond / $25m WB Green Bond / DBSA gets Sth African green dvlpt fund job (climate bonds in mix?) / Adventures of a Climate Bonds actuary …