We are pleased to announce that Katovich & Kassan Law Group is now Cutting Edge Counsel. Katovich & Kassan Law Group (K2 Law Group for short) was founded in 2001 to focus on clients that care about social, environmental, and corporate responsibility. For 13 years we have provided a low-overhead …
CSR Wire: Don’t Be Evil: What’s the Matter with Google?
Don’t Be Evil: What’s the Matter with Google? Has Google lost its way? Why is the organization now funding regressive organizations fronting for the fossilized sectors and legacy incumbent interests holding back the green economy? What happened to the founders’ mission of catalyzing a whole-system transition from the fossil-fueled Solar …
B Corp Ripples – 172 of 1,000 ripples completed to date
December 17, 2013 172 of 1,000 ripples completed to date We hope you are enjoying this holiday season! Please take a moment to check out the ripples the B Corp community created in November, moving us another notch closer to our goal of 1,000 ripples by the next Champions Retreat! …
For Immediate Release: Best Organics Inc. Achieves B Corporation Status
For Immediate Release Contact: Seleyn DeYarus, Best Organics Inc., 303.499.6742 Steve Hoffman, Compass Natural Marketing, 303.807.1042 Best Organics Inc. is Now Recognized as a Certified B Corporation by B Lab Best Organics Inc. is now a Certified Benefit Corporation, joining the ranks of more than 700 mission-based, triple-bottom-line …
Conscious Investing: The New Wave in Money and Values
By Corinne McLaughlin Would you like to integrate your deepest spiritual values with your money? Did you know there’s a whole new movement emerging around the country to make finance and investing more spiritually conscious? Called conscious investing, conscious capital, and/or conscious money, this new approach builds on the Social …
Can America Rebuild Its Manufacturing Base on the Wings of the Green Economy?
Daily News Alert 08.10.12 The Corporate Social Responsibility Newswire Can America Rebuild Its Manufacturing Base on the Wings of the Green Economy? “? deniers still exist, fueled and funded by dirty energy profits. These people aren’t just on the other side of this debate. They’re on the other side …
8th and 9th States Pass Benefit Corporation Legislation: LA and SC First in the South
We at Ethical Markets Media congratulate our friends at B-Lab for this excellent progress! Hazel Henderson, editor This month, Louisiana and South Carolina passed benefit corporation legislation, becoming the first states in the South, and the 8th and 9th in the country, to grant more freedom and legal protection to …
Patagonia Registers as First California Benefit Corporation
Patagonia Registers as First California Benefit Corporation After ‘Year of the Protester’, Business Leaders Embrace Positive Alternative Submitted by: B Lab/B Corporation SACRAMENTO, Calif., Jan. 03 /CSRwire/ – Today, Patagonia became the first company in California to elect benefit corporation status. Patagonia founder Yvon Chouinard led the largest group …
Empire State of Mind
“Ethical Markets Media congratulate B-Lab for this breakthrough!” Congratulations to all. An early holiday present from the State of New York and another big milestone for our community. Happy holidays everyone! For Immediate Release: December 13, 2011 CONTACT: Erik Trojian or Andrew Greenblatt at B Lab – (212) 608-4150; erik@bcorporation.net; …