Ethical Markets fully supports Positive Money . Congratulations on this breakthrough into mainstream media – Hazel Henderson, Editor Another major breakthrough in the monetary reform debate! Fantastic news: The debate on money reform goes mainstream! Last week has the leading UK economics commentator, the Financial Times’ Martin Wolf, argued that “the …
Wall Street Greed: Not Too Big for a California Jury
Sixteen of the world’s largest banks have been caught colluding to rig global interest rates. Why are we doing business with a corrupt global banking cartel? United States Attorney General Eric Holder has declared that the too-big-to-fail Wall Street banks are too big to prosecute. But an outraged California jury might …
Today’s Top Stories from GFI: In Mexico, you can pay taxes with art
Tuesday, April 15, 2014 From the Financial Transparency Coalition Blog: Incorporation Standards in Banking: A Race to the Bottom When You Want Secrecy, All You Need is a Shell Company FTC Submits Letter to G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bankers Illicit Financial Flows: The Elephant in the Room at the …
[Climate Bonds] Now it’s 25! A dozen more banks sign on to “Green Bond Principles” + ICMA takes on Secretariat role. Can they make it 100 banks signed on by UN Climate Summit in Sept? Go on, Ban Ki Moon needs some good news.
Climate Bonds has posted a new item, ‘Now it’s 25! A dozen more banks sign on to “Green Bond Principles” + ICMA takes on Secretariat role. Can they make it 100 banks signed on by UN Climate Summit in Sept? Go on, Ban Ki Moon needs some good news.‘ The …
Better Markets: Smoking Gun Catches the SEC in a Lie: It’s Time for the SEC to Disclose its Secret Settlement Collusion with Wall Street.
Financial Reform Newsletter April 11, 2014 Smoking Gun Catches the SEC in a Lie: It’s Time for the SEC to Disclose its Secret Settlement Collusion with Wall Street. Two separate reports this week have scratched the surface of what could soon be a full-blown scandal at the SEC. First, a recently …
Developing Nations Seek U.N. Retaliation on Bank Cancellations
Developing Nations Seek U.N. Retaliation on Bank Cancellations By Thalif Deen UNITED NATIONS, Apr 2014 (IPS) – The 132-member Group of 77, the largest single coalition of developing nations, has urged Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon to provide, “as soon as possible…alternative options for banking services” in New York City …
Is the U.S. stock market rigged?
Is the U.S. stock market rigged? Steve Kroft reports on a new book from Michael Lewis that reveals how some high-speed traders work the stock market to their advantage The following script is from “Rigged” which aired on March 30, 2014. Steve Kroft is the correspondent. Draggan Mihailovich, producer. This …
Today’s Top Stories from GFI: EU Parliament Votes For Public Registries of Company Ownership
From the Financial Transparency Coalition Blog: European Parliament Gives Overwhelming ‘Yes’ Vote to End Secret Corporate Ownership Millions of Euros Left Ukraine: Why Beneficial Ownership Transparency is Common Sense As Europe Tightens Oversight, Spotlight Must Remain Why Russia No Longer Fears the West: It’s the Offshore, Stupid Understanding …
Better Markets: New Fed rules will protect U.S. taxpayers and the global financial system.
banks to comply with the same capital standards as U.S. global financial system. While the EU criticized the Fed for a rule that will impact a few large European banks, the wall street Journal argued that the vote “could be a race to the top of the regulatory tree,” with the …
More Wisdom from David Cay Johnston on Flawed Economic Theory
Some More Wisdom from David Cay Johnston on Flawed Economic Theory : Not every opportunity to profit because of above-market prices is filled by a competitor. Indeed, in my books I have shown how rules discourage this in many markets. In some markets, notably electricity, the rules tend to …