Integrated Reporting: Why Deutsche Börse Group chose to become the 100th business to join IIRC Pilot Programme

Jay OwenSRI/ESG News

In this issue: Why Deutsche Börse Group chose to become the 100th business to join IIRC Pilot Programme, the role Internal Auditors will have to play in Integrated Reporting, Background Papers for <IR>: Value Creation and Connectivity, videos from Eskom and Takeda Pharmaceutical Company…. And more!   IIRC Newsletter – August Edition Deutsche Börse …

G20 Communiqué Hits Some Priorities, Misses Others

kristyReforming Global Finance

G20 Communiqué Hits Some Priorities, Misses Others June 21, 2012 By Nick Mathiason Nick Mathiason is the Assistant Communications Director of the Task Force, and also works as a business correspondent at the Bureau of Investigative Journalism. He was previously Business Correspondent at the Guardian and Observer newspapers for 10 …