Show Me the Money: Sustainability and Financial Outperformance

Jay OwenSustainability News

  February 16, 2015 ORGANIZATIONAL CHANGE Carbon Onsetting: A Robust Complement to — or Replacement for — Offsetting Internal carbon fees are becoming increasingly popular with companies as varied as Shell, Microsoft and Disney. But rather than use some or all of these funds to buy carbon offsets, a new …

An All Local Grocery Store and Deli plus an Education and Distribution Hub

Jay OwenSustainability News

Greeti Greetings! Since Blessing the Hands that Feed Us came out in January, I’ve gone from author to activist with a passion for restoring regional food systems so we-the-eaters can have more fresh, local food and our food producers can have more fresh money in their pockets. Especially exciting is …


Jay OwenGreen Prosperity, SRI/ESG News

Another Important step Toward the Global Transition to the Green Economy we track at ,Hazel Henderson, Editor AT UN CONFERENCE, COUNTRIES SHARE GREEN SOLUTIONS FOR DEVELOPMENT CHALLENGES New York, Oct 28 2013  5:00PM Representatives from some 150 countries today gathered at the headquarters of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) in …

CSR Asia Disclosure Forum in Kuala Lumpur

Jay OwenSRI/ESG News

25 September 2013  HIGHLIGHTS   CSR Asia Disclosure Forum in Kuala Lumpur – new dates To secure a great line-up of speakers, and ensure that the latest trends in reporting can be presented and discussed, the CSR Asia Disclosure Forum has now been rescheduled for 5th December. The programme is being …

International Leaders to Explore Geothermal Markets, Developments at GEA-GRC Event

Jay OwenResource Efficiency

                    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE   Contact (GRC): Ian Crawford 530.758.2360 [email protected] Contact (GEA):  Shawna Seldon 917.971.7852 [email protected]     International Leaders to Explore Geothermal Markets, Developments at GEA-GRC Event Las Vegas: September 29 through October 2   Las Vegas (August 5, 2013) – Members of …

Last Week from ILSR’s Energy Self-Reliant States

Jay OwenGreen Prosperity

I recognized a lot of you in attendance at the Community Renewable Energy webinar last Tuesday.  If you missed it (or want to refresh your memory), an audio slideshow and the downloadable slides of 5 barriers to community renewable energy is available. We’ve also got another new podcast, featuring a discussion of Gainesville’s …

Kosmos Gains Consultative Status at UN

kristyGlobal Citizen, Wealth of Networks

Dear Kosmos Readers, Warm greetings to all who are serving the greater good…and there are so many of us now! We hope you will find this newsletter full of ideas on how you may be part of an ignited humanity – one already on the streets of cities worldwide, saying, …