ScienceDaily: Top Environment News Three new species of tiny frogs from the remarkable region of Papua New Guinea Posted: 20 Sep 2013 08:14 AM PDT Following the description of the world’s smallest frogs, biologists now offer three more species of tiny amphibians from the region of Papua New …
ENB Vol. 21 No. 71 – Animals and Plants Committees of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora – Summary & Analysis
CITES ANIMALS AND PLANTS COMMITTEES MEETINGS: 15-30 MARCH 2012 The twenty-sixth meeting of the Animals Committee (AC26) of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) convened from 15-20 March 2012 in Geneva, Switzerland. AC26 was followed by the Joint Meeting of the AC …
Cites Animals And Plants Committees
CITES ANIMALS AND PLANTS COMMITTEES MEETINGS: 15-30 MARCH 2012 The twenty-sixth meeting of the Animals Committee (AC26) of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) convened from 15-20 March 2012 in Geneva, Switzerland. AC26 was followed by the Joint Meeting of the AC …
Why is WWF at Davos?
30th January 2012 Why was WWF at Davos? WWF works to protect Earth’s most special places. Places that are particularly rich in biodiversity. Places with unique animals and plants. Places like no other. We found out that the most significant threats to our 35 priority places were 15 commodities: sugarcane, …