ScienceDaily: Top Environment News: Maya Long Count calendar and European calendar linked using carbon-14 dating

Jay OwenEarth Systems Science

ScienceDaily: Top Environment News Maya Long Count calendar and European calendar linked using carbon-14 dating Warmest summers in last two decades in northern latitudes were unprecedented in six centuries New technique measures evaporation globally Sea mammals find U. S. safe harbor Enzymes from horse feces could hold secrets to streamlining …

Homeowners’ Rebellion: “Produce The Note” Defense Picks Up Steam

kristyReforming Global Finance, Community Development Solutions

Ellen Brown August 13, 2010 In a Newsweek article a year ago called “Too Big to Jail: Why Prosecutors Won’t Hit Wall Street Hard in the Subprime Scandal,” Michael Hirsch wrote that we were unlikely to see trials and convictions today like those seen in the savings and loan …