By Kelsey May, September 27, 2013 Photos by Ann Slothower On September 24, 2013, at the Rocky Mountain Flatbread Co. in Vancouver, the Upcycle the Gyres Society hosted the first public demonstration of its goal: convert land and ocean plastic waste into profit. In four hours, the …
Is “Sustainable Capitalism” an Oxymoron?
Guest Post: Is “Sustainable Capitalism” an Oxymoron? We post here the response of Allen White, Director, Corporation 20/20 and Senior Fellow, Tellus Institute, to John Fullerton’s recent blog post reviewing Generation Investments’ white paper, Sustainable Capitalism. We should all feel a sense of indebtedness to Al Gore, David Blood, and …
Michel Bauwens Interviewed by Furtherfield
An interview from P2P Foundation Excerpted from an interview conducted for Furtherfield, by Lawrence Bird on 17/12/2010 It’s a commonplace now that the peer-to-peer movement opens up new ways of creating relating to others. But you’ve explored the implications of P2P in depth, in particular its social and political dimensions. …
Tax Evasion: The Real Costs
A publication from Demos’ Taxes Matter Week Tax evasion will cost the U.S. government $305 billion in 2010 and has cost $3 trillion over the past decade. It is a major contributor to budget deficits and the accumulation of national debt since 2001. Tax evasion also costs state treasuries billions …