Strengthening Science-Policy Interface for Sustainable Management of Natural Resources

kristyGreen Prosperity

To all United Nations? Member States and interested parties,


The Permanent Mission of Germany to the United Nations, together with:

The African Department for Environmental Affairs
the Indian Ministry for the Environment
the US State Department,
The International Council for Science (ICSU), and
the United Nations Environment Programme,

is pleased to invite you to:

an interactive policy dialogue moderated by Barbara Pyle


Monday, March 26th, 2012
at 18:00 (refreshments)
for an 18.15 start
German House
871 United Nations Plaza First Avenue at 49th Street New York, N.Y. 10017

A call to strengthen linkages between science and policy
This June in Rio, policy makers from around the world will gather to set a course towards a cleaner and more sustainable ?future we want?. Policy makers are inundated with messages alternating between both grim warnings of BAU and call for a transition to a sustainable future for all. The path towards a sustainable future is complex and policy makers will need the support of a diverse expert community of natural scientists, economists and social scientists. Scientists are sympathetic towards complexity and are mobilising to synthesise and consolidate information to support decision making in Rio+20.
This event will be an opportunity to hear from policy makers and other parties what their scientific needs are and how the science community can support decision making in a joint path
towards a sustainable future we want.

RSVP for security and capacity reasons at + 1 212 940 0447 or