Stanford Poll Finds National Mandate for Greenhouse Gas Cuts with Strong Red State Support
by FishOutofWater for Climate Change SOS
An overwhelming majority of Americans want the government to take action to cut greenhouse gas emissions because they believe climate change is a real and present danger. It doesn’t matter, red state or blue. Americans are seeing the increasingly devastating effects – extreme heat, droughts, severe storms, floods and fires – of climate change where they live and they want the government to do something to stop it from getting worse.
Survey Question: 2012: As you may have heard, greenhouse gasses are thought to cause global warming. In your opinion, do you think the government should or should not limit the amount of greenhouse gasses that U.S. businesses put out? 2008-2011: Some people believe that the United States government should limit the amount of air pollution that U.S. businesses can produce. Other people believe that the government should not limit air pollution from U.S. businesses. What about you? Do you think the government should or should not limit air pollution from U.S. businesses?
Today Rep. Henry A. Waxman and Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse, co-chairs of the Bicameral Task Force on Climate Change, released new state-by-state data on Americans’ views on climate change. The new polling data shows how Americans in different states view the issue of climate change and specific policies to cut greenhouse gas emissions. The data was prepared by Stanford University Professor Jon Krosnick.
“This new report is crystal clear,” said Rep. Waxman. “It shows that the vast majority of Americans – whether from red states or blue – understand that climate change is a growing danger. Amerians recognize that we have a moral obligation to protect the environment and an economic opportunity to develop the clean energy technologies of the future. Americans are way ahead of Congress in listening to the scientists.”
“These polls are further proof that the American people are awake to the threat of climate change, and have not been taken in by the polluting industries’ conspiracy of denial,” said Sen. Whitehouse. “Now it’s time for Congress to wake up and face the facts: climate change is real; it is hurting our people, our economy, and our planet; and we have to do something about it.”
An overwhelming percentage of Americans believe government should reduce greenhouse gas emissions from power plants by imposing regulations or offering tax breaks
attribution: http://democrats.
Survey Question: 2012: For the next items, please tell me for each one whether it’s something the government should require by law, encourage with tax breaks but not require, or stay out of entirely. Each of these changes would increase the amount of money that you pay for things you buy. Lowering the amount of greenhouse gases that power plants are allowed to release into the air? 1997-2011: For the next items, please tell me for each one whether it’s something the government should require by law, encourage with tax breaks but not require, or stay out of entirely. Lowering the amount of greenhouse gases that power plants are allowed to release into the air?
All the Koch’s billions and all the Koch’s climate change deniers have not been able to convince Americans to deny what their eyes can see. Billion dollar weather disasters have been rapidly increasing in America, faster than can be explained by development or population growth. The Koch’s money intimidates politicians and affects media coverage, but it doesn’t fool the public. Farmers know it’s getting harder to make a living because of weather extremes. I know, I talk to dozens of them at farmers markets across North Carolina. Red states want green jobs and green dollars. And they want their farms to be able to feed their people.
No one, but people too old to change or too invested to change, believes that the climate isn’t changing. The debate is over when 87% of Oklahomans say that climate change is happening.
The vast majority of Americans acknowledge the science and believe that climate change has been happening. In every state surveyed, at least 75% of the population acknowledges the existence of climate change. The percentage of people who acknowledge the existence of climate change is high in traditionally blue states such as Massachusetts (88%), Rhode Island (87%), New York (84%), and California (82%) as well as traditionally red states such as Oklahoma (87%), Texas (84%), and South Dakota (83%).
An overwhelming percentage of Americans believe global warming has been happening
Survey Question: 2012-2013: What is your personal opinion? Do you think that the world’s temperature probably has been going up over the past 100 years, or do you think this probably has not been happening? 2012: What is your personal opinion? Do you think that the world’s temperature probably has been going up slowly over the past 100 years, or do you think this probably has not been happening? 2012: What is your personal opinion? Do you think that the world’s temperature probably has been going up over the past 100 years, or do you think this probably has not been happening? 1997-2011: You may have heard about the idea that the world’s temperature may have been going up slowly over the past 100 years. What is your personal opinion on this? Do you think this has probably been happening, or do you think it probably has not been happening?