Side Event on Environmental Health Initiatives: Innovative Approaches for Building Sustainable Cities

kristyGlobal Citizen, Sustainability News

Side Event on Environmental Health Initiatives: Innovative Approaches for

Building Sustainable Cities

April 24, 2012 1:15 – 2:45 p.m.

Conference Room A, United Nations North Lawn Building

Draft Agenda

With increased migration from rural to urban areas for economic opportuities, local governments are faced with the challenges of providing public services to ever-growing populations. Access to decent housing, clean and safe water, sanitation and waste management services, public transportation, energy sustainability and healthcare are urgent concerns. In moving forward, legislators need to ensure a holistic approach when building sustainable cities; one that takes into account the health and well-being of their constituents.

The purpose of this Side Event is to contribute to the discussions on Sustainable Cities in advance of the Rio+20 Conference by addressing the challenges posed by air pollution to environmental health. The Side Event will highlight innovative approaches to reduce the adverse effects on urban populations as well as the importance of national parliaments in furthering sustainable development.

The Side Event will cover the following issues:

Relevant country experiences on drafting and implementing clean air initiatives to tackle air pollution in cities;
Examining the paradigm between job generation and greener cities: concrete recommendations to improve health and quality of life indicators;
National and local strategies for smart urban planning – connecting the three pillars;
Risks of environmental pollution on health.

Chaired by H. E. Mr. Herman Schaper, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary and Permanent Representative of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to the United Nations

Ms. Elizabeth Thompson, Executive Coordinator for the UNCSD Rio+20 Conference
Professor Ruby Pawankar, President of the World Allergy Organization (WAO)
Ms. Pindi Chana, MP, Tanzania
Ms. Gabriela Rodríguez, Director General, VerdMX
Mr. Ramón Cruz, Institute for Transportation and Development Policy (ITDP)
Ms. Shazia Rafi, Secretary- General, Parliamentarians for Global Action
Light refreshments will be served from 12:45 to 1:30 p.m. at a table located on the second floor, near the Polish Glass.

Please be advised that no food or drinks are allowed in Conference Room A.

For more information or if you do not have a UN pass, please contact Ms. Mónica Adame at