Ethical Markets Media celebrates E.F.Schumacher’s Centennial! He was a friend of our Founder and President, Hazel Henderson and wrote the Foreword to her first book, Creating Alternative Futures : The End of Economics (1978, 1996)
8-9 October, 2011 in Bristol
Time for a New Direction
This weekend in Bristol will see a huge celebration of the life and vision of E.F. Schumacher, a pioneer of green economics and author of Small is Beautiful and a Guide for the Perplexed.
Join a great line up of speakers, workshop leaders and world musicians over the whole weekend.
A day of talks and workshops (10am-6pm)
Speakers include:
Caroline Lucas MP, leader of the Green Party
Bill McKibben, author of End of Nature
Prof. Tim Jackson author of Prosperity Without Growth
Polly Higgins environmental lawyer
Rob Hopkins co-founder of the Transition Network
Satish Kumar editor of Resurgence magazine
Peter Blom CEO of Triodos Bank
Matt Harvey poet
An Evening Concert – Small World (7.30pm) real ‘festival’ of world music, with Trilok Gurtu, the Dhol Foundation, Mabon, Seckou Keita and Patrick Duff
SUNDAY Oct 9, at @Bristol
Opening session (10am)
Barbara Wood – daughter, and biographer, of E.F. Schumacher
Stephan Harding – resident ecologist at Schumacher College
Michael Wadleigh – Homo Sapiens Report
Followed by a day of workshops and films at @Bristol and The Watershed
Towards a Guild of Green Economists – Molly Scott Cato
Citizen Science – David Gee (European Environment Agency)
Local & Renewable Energy – Good Energy, Solarsense & CAT
Common Cause – Tom Crompton (WWF)
The Work That Re-connects – Lisbet Michelson, Meretta Hart
Small Is…Challenge – Peace Child and Practical Action
Transition and the Arts – Jan O’Highway
The Bristol Pound – Dave Hunter and Ciaran Mundy
Towards a smaller, Happier City – Mike Zeidler
Film Premieres
Four Horsemen
Animate Earth
Future of Hope
Voices of Transition
For booking visit or telephone 0845 4585925
Tickets for the Saturday talks & concert also available at Colston Hall. Prices: Whole weekend: £55 (concessions £37.50); Saturday, including concert: £45 (concessions £30); concert only: £15; Sunday – £15 for the day (£10 concs) or £5 per event on the door.
SPECIAL subsidy to enable young people to attend:
Full time college students under 25: £10
School students under 18: FREE