SB Research Newsletter: Big Companies Increasing Climate Change Efforts While Suppliers Lag

Jay OwenSustainability News


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February 13, 2012      


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Big Companies Increasing Climate Change Efforts While Suppliers Lag

Experts see a world facing greater risks this year than last, according to the World Economic Forum’s Global Risks 2013, its latest annual assessment of global risk, and they rank environmental risks among the likeliest to manifest over the next 10 years. The study asked 1,000 experts from industry, government, academia and civil society to rate the likelihood and the impact of 50 different risks, evenly divided among five categories: economic, environmental, geopolitical, societal and technological. Of the five most likely risks, the top two are economic: severe income disparity and chronic fiscal imbalances. The third, rising greenhouse gas emissions, is environmental. And the fourth and fifth – water supply crises and mismanagement of population aging – are classified as societal.

Research: Carbon Disclosure Project.

Two of these risks – chronic fiscal imbalances and water supply crises – are also among the five risks ranked as having the highest impact should they occur. The others are major systemic failure (economic), food shortage crises (societal) and diffusion of weapons of mass destruction (geopolitical). The risk of water supply crises can also…





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Green Product Perceptions Not Indicative of Performance
Remember when green products didn’t work as well as conventional products? If you follow sustainability and the consumer products industry you might think those days are behind us. But most consumers don’t see it that way, at least according to a group of three studies described in a recent issue of the Journal of Marketing.


Research Document


















Carbon Disclosure Project: Reducing Risk and Driving Business Value
This latest Carbon Disclosure Project supply chain report shows growing corporate awareness of the business risks of climate change and increasing corporate action to address it. In a survey of large companies and their suppliers, a third of respondents said they are already feeling the impact of drought and precipitation extremes on their business.


Research document















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