SB 2010 Power of “&” Meets Power of Emerging Measures

Ethical Markets - RBeyond GDP, Poetry by Hazel Henderson

Hazel Henderson presented at the Sustainable Brands 2010 conference in Monterrey, California, on Re-Defining the Metrics of Success: The Emerging Measures of Qualitative Growth, presenting some of her newest thinking on why GDP serves poorly as the ultimate measure of progress.  In this video of her presentation, she offers a look at some of the significant initiatives taking place to define what comes next in measuring qualitative growth.  The presentation builds on the Calvert-Henderson Quality of Life Indicators which she co-developed with the Calvert Group and on her more recent work with Fritjof Capra.


Sustainable Life Media is taking the Sustainable Brands program on the road.  Ethical Markets correspondent and Sustainability Research Director, Tim Nash, lead researcher for the Green Transition Scoreboard – an important measure of the growth of the green sector worldwide, will be reporting from New Brunswick, NJ.  Within the month, SB Seminars will be held in the Twin Cities and New Brunswick, N.J., at the 3M Innovation Center in St. Paul, MN (Nov. 29 – Dec 3) and the Johnson & Johnson Education Center (Dec. 6-10).

For registration information, go to (Ethical Markets members get 20% using code fnfsbs).