Royal Mail to make ‘substantial contributions’ to tackle £10.3bn scheme deficit

kristySRI/ESG News

Royal Mail to make ‘substantial contributions’ to tackle £10.3bn scheme deficit
UK – The trustee of the Royal Mail Pension Plan has reached an agreement with Royal Mail on funding that will involve “substantial contributions in excess of the current level”. 29/07/10 12:00

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Talking Point: Does the EU need more debate on pensions?

The European Commission has initiated a four-month consultation on European pensions with the publication of a G reen Paper on adequate, sustainable and safe European pension systems that poses a series of questions on how the EU can contribute to the solutions.

It takes a holistic view of existing pensions and looks at topics including longer working lives, the internal market for pensions’ mobility across the EU, gaps in EU regulation, the future solvency regime for pension funds and EU governance.

But is the EU right to open the debate across such a wide range of topics or should it be more focused? Is there a need to look at pension solvency regimes? Or is the G reen Paper just another delay in the ongoing reform of pensions?

If you have a comment you would like to share with IPE readers on this issue, email Jim Robinson at