Quarterly Clean-Tech Law Alert: 2014 Policy Outlook; Regional GHG Initiative; Clean-tech IPO Market

Jay OwenGreen Prosperity, SRI/ESG News


January 2014

Quarterly Clean-Tech Law Alert

Legal Insight for the Clean-Tech Community
Partner Announcement

Clean Edge has teamed up with Mintz Levin to provide key legal updates for the clean-tech community on a quarterly basis. The following articles and legal updates were written by Mintz Levin. See contact information at the bottom of this message if you have legal questions regarding these updates or would like to learn more about Mintz Levin services.

by David Leiter, Sarah Litke, Bryan Stockton, Jordan Collins, and Neal Martin

Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee Chair Ron Wyden (D-OR) and Ranking Member Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) plan to pack the panel’s January calendar in the hope of moving forward with a substantial energy agenda early in the year. That ambitious agenda is probably driven by Senator Wyden’s anticipated move to the chairmanship of the Senate Finance Committee once current chairman Max Baucus (D-MT) is confirmed as the new U.S. Ambassador to China…



By Colin Van Dyke


At the same time that leaders from the nine states comprising the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) are touting the anticipated benefits of their decision to significantly reduce RGGI’s cap on carbon dioxide emissions from fossil fuel–fired power plants in their states, the US environmental protection agency (EPA) is developing standards to limit greenhouse gas emissions from power plants nationwide. A big question for the RGGI states is whether, under federal regulations applicable to existing power plants, their early investment in a regional cap-and-trade program will pay off…



By Sahir Surmeli


The year 2013 was officially the year with the most active ipo market in the united states since 2000. There were 222 US IPOs in 2013, with a total of $55 billion raised.1 The year 2000 (over 350 IPOs) was the last year of a 10 year boom in US IPOs that reached its peak in 1996 (over 650 IPOs). The strongest year for IPOs since 2000 was (until now) 2004, with roughly 215 IPOs…



By Daniel DeWolf and Ilan Goldbard


This memorandum examines the interplay between three pieces of legislation: (1) the recently enacted Rule 506(c) under the Securities Act of 1933 (the “Securities Act”), (2) Article 23-A of the New York General Business Law (“GBL”), commonly known as the Martin Act, and (3) the National Securities Markets Improvement Act of 1996 (“NSMIA”) amendments to § 18 of the Securities Act…



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Tom Burton

Chair, Energy and Clean Technology Practice Group,

Mintz Levin (Boston)


David L. O’Connor

Senior Vice President for Energy and Clean Technology,

ML Strategies (Boston)


Sahir Surmeli

Co-Chair, Energy and Clean Technology Practice Group,

Mintz Levin (Boston)